Dil Raju’s latest film Oh My Friend is in safe zone despite of mixed talk and not-so-encouraging reviews. This film is said to be made with around 10 crores of budget. OMF has defied all the negative talk and got good collections. As per the sources of idlebrain.com, it has collected an approximate share of 6.14 crores in 10 days in AP alone. It has grossed 1.4 crores in Karnataka in 10 days. Dil Raju hasn’t sold the satellite rights yet. The asking price for satellite rights of OMF is above 4 crores. If you consider all these figures, the film is broke even in 10 days and expected to fetch decent profits.
Here is the break up of AP share in 10 days
S. No | Territory | Share in rupees |
1 | Nizam | 2.85 crores |
2. | Ceded | 94 lacs |
3. | Vizag | 65 lacs |
4. | Guntur | 48 lacs |
5. | Krishna | 35 lacs |
6. | East Godavari | 32 lacs |
7. | West Godavari | 33 lacs |
8 | Nellore | 22 lacs |
- | Total AP share | 6.14 crores |
- | Karnataka gross | 1.4 crore |
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